Reasons to hire a birth photographer

Many couples are hesitant about getting a birth photographer, but there are some really good reasons to hire us to be with you on the day you give birth.

  1. Just like your wedding, this is a life changing moment. Capture it!
  2. You will both be nervous and overwhelmed - which is normal. We have been present at hundreds of births and will be your tour guides to tell you what to expect when you are unsure.
  3. Spinals don't always work. Most of the time they do, but if you have to go under general anesthesia you will miss the whole birth experience. We show you what happened while you were sleeping through beautiful photos.
  4. Dads faint. You might have married a strong rugby player who hunts over weekends, but the sight of his wife on the operating table or the overwhelming realisation that the crying baby belongs to him often makes the toughest guys go weak at the knees. (If he faints I promise to get you a picture!)
  5. Your husband won't photograph his own tears or the size of his hand next to your newborn's tiny fingers. We understand how important those details are.
  6. You don't get to see the nurses weighing and measuring your baby while you are still in theatre, so we make sure to give you a glimpse into those few minutes as well.
  7. Your husband can relax and just be in the moment without worrying about taking shaky cell phone pictures. Many dads completely forget. Make sure you have us as your backup.
  8. You get great quality photos from professional photographers from your baby's first breath
  9. If your baby needs to go to NICU - we are allowed to follow, so you don't miss a thing.
  10. We take a new family photo directly after birth and send it to your cell phone immediately so you can send it to grandma who is pacing at home.
Doctor holds baby in hands in theatre newborn c-section hospital



Fulu and Shannon

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"You know that saying about finding a job or work that you are passionate about? Well, today we met Lizelle and Charlotte from Dynamic Photography. Wow, the energy, laughter and quality of their work is just on another level. Wow, wow, wow!"

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